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Forum Index » Art » Computers in Art
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PostPosted: 22-11-2004, 01:39    Post subject: Computers in Art Quote selected Reply with quote

From time to time we can hear some "Great Artist" complaining and making a huge noise about using computers in art. They often think that someone who uses computer and graphic applications instead canvas and brushes can't be named Painter and his works can't be called paintings. Personally it really ticks me off because this conservative attitude leads Art to a stagnation and slowly to death. That people don't let Art progress and they just let it grow old with them. I think diffrent ways give us a huge variety of posibilities. And when someone is Artist it doesn't really matter what does he use to make Art. If something is Art, or not at all depends on master not servant.

e.g. Chistopher Shy uses computer for his graphics and his an Artist to me.
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PostPosted: 22-11-2004, 01:54    Post subject: Quote selected Reply with quote

i agree, computer use in art doesn't undermine the 'artist' status.
every artist should be free of expressing him/herself in any way they chose.
if any, the computer has enlarged the artistic horizon. that does not mean that every piece of art should be realized with the use of microprocessors. as i stated before, it's up to the artist to decide.

good topic, Saga!
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PostPosted: 16-01-2005, 15:40    Post subject: Quote selected Reply with quote

Computers in art are ok, but there are problems when artists focus on "computer" more than art, vide Zdzislaw Beksinski.
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PostPosted: 29-09-2006, 05:31    Post subject: Quote selected Reply with quote

There are artists that prefer old methods to produce their work. I personally feel that handmade work still has the artist's souls in it...CG art, however is fundamentally the same, save a slight buffer between the input device and tha artist. It depends on preferance and what you want out of your work. i honestly think that those so-called "great artists" should sit down and stop bitching. People thought the cubism and fauvism were dodgy and they became incredibly popular periods in art history...why the hell cant CG be one of those great periods, too?

but that's just my humble opinion... :)
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PostPosted: 22-12-2006, 02:09    Post subject: Quote selected Reply with quote

Saga wrote:
From time to time we can hear some "Great Artist" complaining and making a huge noise about using computers in art.

PersephoneX wrote:
i honestly think that those so-called "great artists" should sit down and stop bitching.

Maybe they just don't have computers ;P <lol>
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PostPosted: 27-04-2007, 15:52    Post subject: Quote selected Reply with quote

Saga wrote:
Saga wrote:
From time to time we can hear some "Great Artist" complaining and making a huge noise about using computers in art.

PersephoneX wrote:
i honestly think that those so-called "great artists" should sit down and stop bitching.

Maybe they just don't have computers ;P <lol>

you are right. i used to be an artist with canvas, now im an artist with a screen. and whatever i can do by hand i can do on the comp 3x better and vice versa. comps are great but there are some things that are better done with the human hand. i personaly love to paint with my hands and to feel the paint being aplied to the canvas [or paper]. so its a matter of personal taste now more then anything.
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PostPosted: 06-03-2008, 19:21    Post subject: Quote selected Reply with quote

Well, you always can combine normal art ways, plus use computer and different gadgets to enhance you work and progress....
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PostPosted: 13-09-2013, 13:36    Post subject: Quote selected Reply with quote

The police are powerless
and a team of german zombie hunters is called in to solve the problem and clean up the city. On their way through the streets of Gothenburg they run into everything from an Italian assassin to some Swedish reporters on the wrong side of the barricades. While trying to figure out what's causing the epidemic.
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PostPosted: 17-09-2014, 13:45    Post subject: Quote selected Reply with quote

my favourite artists: Constantin Brancusi, Grigorescu, Victor Brauner, Edgar Degas, Toulouse-Lautrec, W. Blake, C. Monet, maybe Dali and Picasso.
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